

Yes, it's been almost a month after the show. Why didn't I write a review (or shall I say feeling) about it? Well, I am planning to do that. However, it takes wayyyyyy too long for me to type in Chinese. Therefore, I've decided to type in English for now and translate it later.

Here We Go!!!


Everything wasn't going very smotth. Why is it so hard for me just to watch the show? I had been looking forward to this show since the last one!

First, all tickets in HK were SOLD OUT at the presale~ (Congratz, Dayo! but it's such a shock for me! )
Second: I gotta give up my f**king good first row seats in Vancouver due to my unexpected LONG stay in HK

Finally, I can get a ticket in GZ!!


2011.01.03 - GO! GO! GO!

My friend got a $380 ticket, so he was able to go with me. At 7pm, we took a "MTR" to the venue. It was like a sub-urban place (according to my friend).

I am wearing my beloved TNA red-plaid pattern top because I feel like I have more "Wong Tze Wah" spirit.



The show wasn't as funny as the previous ones. Why was that? The gags were full of bitterness (as usual). The bitterness is more intense in this show becuase Dayo was talking about himself; it was his real life. There's no more Ah Keung...just Wong Tze Wah. As a big fan of Dayo, in some moments I couldn't really laugh my hed off.

Nevertheless, it's definitely the most touching one I've ever seen. As stated before the show, the entire show would be very personal. 

At this moment, I feel that Wong Tze Wah is REAL SUPER STAR!!

Only a real super star can perform at his free will. Only a real stand-up comedy star can attract a full-house of audience even if he was talking about his personal life on the stage.

He has fans now, not just audience!

I am really proud of him!!

Time really flies! 10 years ago, I came across his 10-year anniversary show. Then I had been in love with him. I love "The War of Gender" (still). I like Ah Lok because of his humour.

However, it's all very shallow.

Once Dayo "disappeared" from HK for a China drama production, I started to lose interest in him.

After years, my feeling fluctuates a lot..until 2007. I don't remember what happened. I started to learn about Dayo again. I don't just watch his shows and like his humour. I get to know about Dayo--his personal life, his thoughts, and career through the interviews.

Right now, I can proudly say that,

"I am a fan of Wong Tze Wah, and I'll support him till the day I die!"



P.S. Yes, after all these "touching" words, there's something I wanna complain abou the show! IT'S THE FUCKING VENUE!!!!

The venue SUCKS like SHIT!!!!
I can't believe that $580 VIP seats are PLASTIC CHAIRS! I know it's a stadium. It doesn't mean that you would give a gym chair to audience! The most RIDICULOUS thing is that THERE WAS A FUCKING SPOTLIGHT ON RIGHT TO MY EYES thoughtout THE ENTIRE SHOW!!!!

Yes, I admit that I've never sit in the VIP section in a stadium for a show. However, I do not believe that it's how every stadium would set up. Why the FUCK is there a spotlight there all night?!

I PAID THE FUCKING $580 to watch the show, and hopefully I could take a closer look at Dayo during the show. And the FUCKING SPOTLIGHT completely RUINED MY MOOD!

I've been looking forward for this show for so long, and the FUCKING SPOTLIGHT really pissed me off!!!

I swear that I WOULD NEVER WATCH A SHOW IN GUANGZHOU! NEVER!!! I would rather spend MORE money to watch the show in Vancouver!!



P.S.S. More pictures will be up soon!


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